Holidays at the Natur & Aktiv Hotel Rogen


Here you will find the price list for your feel-good holiday at the Natur & Aktiv Hotel Rogen – clearly listed for winter and summer. Whether it’s a relaxing wellness break, exciting outdoor activities or unforgettable experiences in nature – we offer the right package for every taste. Enjoy unforgettable days amidst the picturesque landscape and let yourself be pampered by our first-class service.

Winter 2024-25

Our Price List

Our prices are per person per night, including Rogen’s indulgent full-board service, access to our spacious wellness area, and participation in our extensive activity program. The local tourist tax of €2.90 per person per night is not included in the price. It applies to all guests aged 14 and over and must be paid directly on-site.

Season ASeason BSeason C
Arnikafrom 7 nights92 €110 €161 €
from 4 nights98 €116 €167 €
up to 3 nights112 €130 €181 €
Arnika Superiorfrom 7 nights103 €121 €172 €
from 4 nights109 €127 €178 €
up to 3 nights123 €141 €192 €
Edelweißfrom 7 nights108 €126 €177 €
from 4 nights114 €132 €183 €
up to 3 nights128 €146 €197 €
Edelweiß Superiorfrom 7 nights112 €131 €183 €
from 4 nights118 €137 €189 €
up to 3 nights132 €151 € 203 €
Suite Almrauschfrom 7 nights113 €132 €197 €
from 4 nights119 €138 €203 €
up to 3 nights133 €152 €217 €
Lärchensuitefrom 7 nights122 €140 €204 €
from 4 nights128 €146 €210 €
up to 3 nights142 €160 €224 €
Jägersuitefrom 7 nights125 €144 €213 €
from 4 nights131 €150 €219 €
up to 3 nights145 €164 €233 €
Lärchensuite Superiorfrom 7 nights129 €147 €207 €
from 4 nights135 €153 €213 €
up to 3 nights149 €167 €227 €
Suite Enzianfrom 7 nights132 €150 €212 €
from 4 nights138 € 156 €218 €
up to 3 nights152 € 170 €232 €
Latschensuitefrom 7 nights 136 € 155 € 221 €
from 4 nights 142 € 161 € 227 €
up to 3 nights156 €175 €241 €
Latschensuite Superiorfrom 7 nights139 €158 €224 €
from 4 nights145 €164 €230 €
up to 3 nights159 €178 €244 €
Zirmsuitefrom 7 nights147 €167 € 235 €
from 4 nights153 €173 €241 €
up to 3 nights167 €187 €255 €

Season A:

06.01.2025 - 01.03.2025 & 08.03.2025 - 16.03.2025

Season B:

01.03.2025 - 08.03.2025

Season C:

26.12.2024 - 06.01.2025

Summer 2025

Our Price List

Our prices are per person per night, including Rogen’s indulgent full-board service, access to our spacious wellness area, and participation in our extensive activity program. The local tourist tax of €2.90 per person per night is not included in the price. It applies to all guests aged 14 and over and must be paid directly on-site.

Season ASeason BSeason CSeason DSeason E
Arnikafrom 7 nights99 €109 €122 €128 €149 €
from 4 nights105 €115 €128 €134 €155 €
up to 3 nights115 €125 €138 €144 € 165 €
Arnika Superiorfrom 7 nights 112 €123 €135 €144 €167 €
from 4 nights118 €129 €141 € 150 € 173 €
up to 3 nights128 € 139 € 151 €160 €183 €
Edelweißfrom 7 nights114 € 124 €138 € 147 € 170 €
from 4 nights120 € 130 € 144 €153 €176 €
up to 3 nights130 €140 €154 €163 € 186 €
Edelweiß Superiorfrom 7 nights118 €128 € 141 €150 €174 €
from 4 nights124 € 134 €147 € 156 € 180 €
up to 3 nights134 €144 €157 € 166 € 190 €
Suite Almrauschfrom 7 nights119 €129 €142 €151 €175 €
from 4 nights125 €135 € 148 €157 € 181 €
up to 3 nights135 €145 €158 €167 €191 €
Lärchensuitefrom 7 nights131 €144 € 159 € 169 €195 €
from 4 nights137 € 150 € 165 €175 €201 €
up to 3 nights147 €160 €175 €185 €211 €
Jägersuitefrom 7 nights134 € 147 €162 € 173 €201 €
from 4 nights 140 €153 €168 €179 € 207 €
up to 3 nights150 €163 €178 €189 €217 €
Lärchensuite Superiorfrom 7 nights 140 € 150 €166 € 179 €204 €
from 4 nights146 € 156 € 172 €185 €210 €
up to 3 nights156 €166 €182 € 195 € 220 €
Suite Enzianfrom 7 nights143 €153 € 169 €182 €208 €
from 4 nights149 €159 €175 €188 €214 €
up to 3 nights159 €169 €185 €198 €224 €
Latschensuitefrom 7 nights148 €160 €175 €189 € 214 €
from 4 nights154 €166 €181 €195 €220 €
up to 3 nights164 €176 €191 €205 €230 €
Latschensuite Superiorfrom 7 nights151 €164 €181 €193 €218 €
from 4 nights157 €170 €187 €199 €224 €
up to 3 nights167 €180 € 197 €209 €234 €
Zirmsuitefrom 7 nights161 €173 €188 €203 €229 €
from 4 nights167 €179 €194 €209 € 235 €
up to 3 nights177 €189 €204 €219 €245 €

Season A:

08.11.2025 - 16.11.2025

Season B:

01.05.2025 - 29.05.2025 & 11.10.2025 - 01.11.2025

Season C:

29.05.2025 - 12.07.2025 & 04.10.2025 - 11.10.2025 & 01.11.2025 - 08.11.2025

Season D:

12.07.2025 - 02.08.2025 & 23.08.2025 - 04.10.2025

Season E:

02.08.2025 - 23.08.2025
