The taste of nature

Rogen's Herb Kitchen

See, smell, hear and taste the special wild herbs and vegetables and many other natural products that grow all around us in the vast meadows, at the edge of the forests and in the farmers’ gardens. Dandelion salad, wild garlic gnocchi and nettle soup – what looks delicious is delicious and more: the dishes created with the aromatic South Tyrolean ingredients are seasonal, healthy and full of flavour.

If you hike with a discerning eye, you will find on your plate, left and right of the path, many of the delicacies that the pampering board of the Natur & Aktiv Hotel Rogen has to offer. Enjoy the variety of South Tyrolean wild herbs and be enchanted by their special flavour.

The treasures of Rogen's herb garden

Here, in sunny Spinges, 1,105 metres above sea level, the conditions are ideal for growing herbs and wild flowers. For this reason, the Natur & Aktiv Hotel Rogen created an extensive herb garden many years ago, where the landlady Monika and the elderly Helena spend many hours planting, watering, weeding and pruning. The love the two invest in the herb garden pays off, because the taste of the many herbs and flowers used to perfect the dishes could not be better…

Rogen Herbalist's shop
